DIY / Home Improvement

How to Restore Antique Glassware
Getting your old antique glasses to look like new ones can be complicated. It involves many steps, from cleaning and resilvering to analyzing the refractive index and displaying the glasses. Cleaning Knowing how to clean your ancient glass is essential for preserving its beauty, whether you are a collector or want to exhibit your prized… Read More

Types of Fences for Front Yards
We are going through a huge boom of home improvements at the moment and everyone seems to be getting in on the act of improving their house or garden. Why not? We have spent enough time in them over the last year or so. The first impression people tend to get from your house is… Read More

Why You Need a Carport
Carports are a very popular option for car storage and today we are going to take a look into exactly why this is a construction which you should consider. The term carport originally was used to refer to a passageway through which cars would travel through upon entering a building. Genius architect Frank Lloyd-Wright saw… Read More

Upgrade Your Bathroom Accessories
When it comes to adding some real pizzazz to your bathroom one of the easiest ways in which you can do so is by using accessories. Once you have decided on the overall theme of the space and what kind of color pattern you will use, accessories can really help to breathe fresh life into… Read More

How Does a Shower Head Affect Water Pressure?
Taking a shower with poor water pressure can be frustrating, and what many fail to recognize is the impact which their shower head has on water pressure. There can be a variety of reasons why a shower is receiving poor water pressure. It could be as a result of old-plumbing, it could be down to… Read More

The Ultimate Long Distance Moving Checklist
Moving hundreds or thousands of miles is not an easy task. You and your items have to travel a long distance before arriving at your new home and there is no going back for lost items or forgotten tasks. Packing for the move is exhausting, traveling is exhausting, and unpacking is also exhausting. For this… Read More

The Basics of Wardrobe Design and Constructions
Wardrobes allow for custom design storage that makes organization easier around your home and particularly the bedrooms. It allows for multiple sections of drawers, doors, and shelves so that you can store items in a more functional and aesthetically pleasing manner. Without a good wardrobe design, the bedrooms in your house will often be cluttered… Read More

Discussing the Many Benefits of Having a Stair Lift Installed In Your Home
If you have issues with your mobility, for whatever reason, it makes a great deal of sense to ensure that your home is designed in such a way that you can get around far more easily. For some this may mean changing home to a bungalow, for everyone else it means making modifications to their… Read More

Convincing Your Grandparents to Make Changes to Their Home
If you have grandparents who are struggling with illness or old age, it can be difficult to convince them that some changes in the house could benefit them. I have personal experience with this and after much debating, my almost ninety year old grandparents finally made some changes around the home which simply made their… Read More

Low Maintenance Gardening for Large Spaces
Having a large outdoor area is a real luxury in so many ways, but it can also be a huge commitment. Recent research found that the average gardening enthusiast spends the equivalent of 53 minutes per week weeding their outdoor space, so just imagine how much time you could rack up pulling weeds if your… Read More