The Best Advice for Getting Through Your Divorce and Moving On
When we get married we vow to love our significant other forever. And for the vast majority of us, we take this commitment very seriously and so wall we can to keep these vows. Unfortunately however, marriages often end in divorce and when they do it be contentious and draining. When we go through… Read More
Westside Family Church Lenexa KS talks about the impact church makes on families
While it appears the days of families around the country trekking to church every single week are long gone, that’s not to say religion is losing appeal. Sure, the congregation numbers might not be quite as high as they were historically, but some families retain a key interest in religion and as we’ll soon find… Read More
5 ways to protect your children while you’re away
As a parent, you probably spend a lot of time worrying about your children’s safety. That feeling is amplified when you’re away on business or working. It’s never easy leaving a child unsupervised. In fact, depending on their age it could also be illegal to leave them alone or unattended. However, if your kids are… Read More