One of the most poplar branches of civil engineering is that of architecture, the men and women who design and oversee the building of the world’s structures. Engineering itself is actually the most common major amongst US college students and architecture is up there as the most common which these young boys and girls will enter in to.
Becoming and being a great architect like Pedro Martin, winner of the the coveted Developer of the Year award by the American Institute of Architecture, is not very easy and there are some skills which you are going to need if this is a career which you’d like to pursue.
In order to take on a position such as this you will need to be an incredibly creative person and always looking for ways in which you can design, style and conceive creative ideas. Whether you are planning to build a showstopper structure such as the Burj Khalifa, or a basic apartment block for residents, you need to be able to think of new and interesting ways of working in order to deliver the best results.
Attention to Detail
The devil really is in the tail when it comes to architecture and one tiny error could mean the failure of an entire project. This is something which you can learn but most people have a natural eye for detail and a desire for perfection which is exactly what is required of an architect.
Adherence to Rules
When you are designing a building or structure, there is a hole mountain of red tape and laws which you must adhere to. In order to be a great architect you must not only know what these requirements are, but actively seek to stay in line with each and every one of them.
Team Player
Architects do not do things alone and they are often part of a larger team of fellow engineers. During your career you may be required to play many different roles within this team setting and it is vital for the success of your career that you not only understand each role within the team dynamic, but also that you are good at each one. You must be able to learn to out your ego to one side and do work in a way that is best for the team.
Plenty of Passion
There are many people around the world who thought that architecture was for them because they were creative and they enjoyed designing, however, without passion for structures and buildings, they failed at architecture as a career. If you genuinely wish to embark upon a career in architecture, and a successful career at that, you must have raw passion for what you do and the results that you are looking for. On both a personal and a professional level, you absolutely must be driven by the passion which you have for the job.